Curmie, who usually finishes dead last in the annual Suffering Fools Tournament, actually won his first-round contest this year by waiting to see if the GOP could actually produce any evidence of election-rigging or other chicanery by the Dems. After all, as a number of journalists have noted, Joe Biden won the election not by being a strong leader, an intellectual, or even a fundamentally honest candidate: he’s none of those things. His entire candidacy was based on a single issue: he was Not Trump. His campaign was… “subdued” would be the polite word. COVID-19 provided a handy excuse to sit back and watch the most irresponsible, venal, and narcissistic presidency in history embarrass itself into defeat. Curmie would suggest that Biden had learned his lessons from Sun Tzu, but doubts that ol’ Uncle Joe has ever heard of him. “Better Feckless than Reckless” would have been the campaign slogan if the Dems had either the honesty or the wit to use it.
Let’s face it, some of those allegations of influence-peddling have at least a modicum of credibility even if definitive proof hasn’t been produced. And anyone paying the slightest bit of attention would have noticed that all the moderate Dems—the ones who weren’t senile, that is—conveniently dropped out of the primaries just before Super Tuesday, but Elizabeth Warren hung around long enough to siphon votes from Bernie Sanders. Anyone who didn’t smell the intrusive and fecal aroma of DNC interference really needs to get COVID-tested, because they’ve got one of the signature symptoms. Kamala Harris has never shown Curmie any indication she’s interested in much of anything other than advancing the career of Kamala Harris. All of this is to say that voting against Biden/Harris is understandable. Voting for Trump/Pence is a signal of rapidly advancing lunacy.
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Some losers refuse to admit it. |
Be it noted: Curmie does not reject the demands for recounts, re-votes, etc. merely because the likes of Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani are showing all the emotional and intellectual maturity of a particularly bratty toddler, and certainly not because a posse of Democratic operatives say that, like Gertrude Stein’s Oakland, there is no there, there. No. But when the Republican officials—governors, secretaries of state, and the like—responsible for ensuring that all the right votes are counted and the invalid ones are not… when these folks say there is no evidence of irregularities, intentional or otherwise, one is tempted to suspect that the puerile shenanigans of the Trump campaign are designed not to bring about justice, but rather to rally the base... or perhaps to pander to the paranoid delusions of a POTUS who is literally insane.
And when SCOTUS, with as many Trump appointees as Democratic appointees (although the Dems have held the White House for 16 of the last 28 years vs. Trump for 4), won’t even hear the case… well, it’s over. Claiming there’s evidence and actually being able to present some are different things, as has been amply demonstrated, repeatedly, by the irresponsible and yes, seditious posturings of the denizens of Trumpistan.
There’s another argument, based purely on logical inference. Seriously, if the Democrats were the criminal masterminds the GOP alleges, do you really think they wouldn’t have secured the Senate, which they were predicted to take, but now depend on the unlikely occurrence of sweeping the two Georgia run-offs next month? That they would have allowed the re-election of a partisan hack like John Cornyn or Obsequious Lapdog of the Year Lindsey Graham, both of whose opponents pre-election polls gave a better chance of victory than Trump? Even perpetual slimebag Mitch McConnell, whose defeat would have been a huge victory for the Democrats (and the country), wasn’t predicted to be a sure thing for re-election, although a win for Amy McGrath was more than a little unlikely.
Two more points. First, it is perfectly reasonable to argue that mail-in ballots shouldn’t be counted, the same way it’s reasonable to argue that the Electoral College ought to be eliminated. But that would be for the future, not the present. Al Gore and Hillary Clinton didn’t win the presidency despite receiving more votes than their opponents because those were the rules. The COVID-inspired mail-in ballots were subject to the same standards as the absentee ballots that have been a standard part of the American electoral procedure for decades. Just because this time more Democrats than Republicans were likely to take other people’s health in a worldwide pandemic seriously vote by mail rather than in person, whereas the military ballots of years past were more likely to lean Republican doesn’t miraculously render the process suddenly unconstitutional.
Which leads to my final point… to a far greater extent than was the case when Curmie was a young man, the electorate is segregated. Whereas there was once a moment in time when Curmie preferred Candidate X on one issue but Candidate Y on another, it’s seldom the case now that Curmie agrees with any Republican on virtually anything substantive. Even on issues where the Dems are terrible (e.g., education), the GOP manages to be worse… in Curmie’s opinion, of course. Curmie has probably a little over 1200 Facebook friends who are American citizens of voting age. How many voted for Trump? Obviously, I don’t know exactly, but it’s even money the total is in single digits.
Indeed, on Curmie’s friends list, the number of lifelong Republicans whom I know voted for Biden outnumber the Trump supporters. That said, I don’t think that Biden got over 90% of the votes last month. We tend to gravitate towards others with similar beliefs; some of us understand that.
Curmie may be disappointed that tens of millions of people voted for someone I consider a charlatan, a grifter, and the least qualified candidate nominated by a major party in my lifetime (Curmie was born during the Eisenhower administration): but that doesn’t mean I deny those votes were there. Living in a Congressional district that routinely re-elects an idiot like Gohmert by landslide margins has its moments of terror, but I’m not arguing that the election was “fixed.”
Trump supporters—a lot of them, anyway—don’t get that, especially when their Dear Leader tells them otherwise. All of their friends wear MAGA hats and carry Confederate battle flags, so everyone does… other than that tiny minority of libtards, of course: snowflakes who have far too much power and think epidemiologists know more than high school dropout Uncle Jethro does about controlling pandemics.
So it makes sense to them that Trump got millions more votes than that socialist Biden. They might not be able to define socialism, but they heard Hannity say it like it was an insult, and so it must be. This particular version of tunnel vision is not a specifically conservative trait, of course—there were certainly Clintonites who reacted in a similar manner—but this year’s iteration is qualitatively and quantitatively greater and therefore more problematic.
Anyone actually paying attention, of course, has long known that Trump and his minions couldn’t care less about the nation they purport to serve. They’re interested in literally nothing but how they can benefit themselves, their families, their fat-cat cronies, and (occasionally) the fawning underlings who believe themselves to be friends. But these futile (because disingenuous) lawsuits are a step beyond mere narcissism, mere Machiavellian amorality. This is an intentional attempt to undermine American democracy, and it has to stop.
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